Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sick Baby

loving on mommy
my favorite place to sleep

waiting for the DR

Can you make me feel better???

snuggling with Daddy. They sleep exactly the same way. I love it!
So this has been a ROUGH week in the Wirht house!! Leland and I have both been sick. It has been raining really bad the past week, so I attributed mine to allergies & weather. Leland has been slobbery and chewing on everything so I assumed he was teething. NO such luck =(
We have both gotten worse, and last night was offically my worst night as a mother so far.
I decided to sleep downstairs with the baby since I coughed all night the night before and Josh had to work today. So I figured Leland and I could sleep down here and things would be fine. I could sleep elevated some on the couch and hopefully not cough as bad and Leland normally sleeps fine in his pack n play. WRONG....He woke up around 145am screaming bloody murder. So I get him, try to console him. Nothing is working. I try feeding, changing, rocking, tylenol,teething tablets, chew toys. Even RUM on the gums..Nothing is making him happy. I myself am coughing and crying at this point because I am exhausted, feel like crap and my baby is screaming. So finally around 345am I take him up to Josh and tell him he has to take him before I go INSANE...Which in turn makes me cry worse because I feel like I have failed as a mother to calm my child down. =(
After a few minutes with Josh he gets Leland to calm down and go to sleep in his crib. Josh says "I guess he is sick and just wanted his bed." Which I say thanks for making me feel like shit for not thinking to put him in his crib. Who knew? So I come upstairs and Josh gets up with him for the rest of the night/morning.
We go to the Dr and come to find out we both have ear infections. Fun FUN! Mine didn't start to hurt until this morning, but if poor Lelands ear felt anything like mine no wonder he was screaming his head off! So we both are on antibiotics and ear drops. Hope we feel better soon. And thank God I have such a good hubby!!! I apologized for being mean and told him I didn't feel good and I was so very thankful that he got our little man to sleep.
It is 930 and I put Leland down at 830....hope he sleeps tonight! Keep your fingers crossed for us! xoxo Mama LJ


Jennifer said...

Hope you both get to feeling better soon. :)

Tina said...

He is so cute!!! I love the picture of him sitting on the exam table.
I hope you two are feeling better.

LucieP said...

my poor little boy!! (& bff too of course!
His video was so cute this morning.

Kim Boucher said...

oh man, i feel ya. i have had some of those nights where me and one of my boys are up and we are both crying. it's aweful.
I hope you all are feeling better by now!!!