Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I have been Tagged...

We all know that I am not the best with "computers" I am lucky that I have even figured out how to put pics on here! So the fact that 2 people have tagged me..haha, good luck with me figuring how to tag you back! But I will fill out the little survey thing.
8 is great

8 things i am looking forward too:
1. Leland feeling better!
2. Getting my hair cut & colored tomorrow!! It has been 4 months!
3. Staying home with Leland!
4. Getting the rest of our house organized.
5. Seeing the musical "Wicked" next week.
6. To one night being able to sleep for atleast 6 hours!
7. seeing Lucie P on Sat!
8. Losing some weight.

8 things i did yesterday:
1. worked
2. went on a walk
3. made dinner for Joshy
4. played with leland
5. shampoo'd & flat ironed my hair
6. read some of Twilight
7. watched old & new 90210..haha
8. prayed for Stellan all day

8 things i wish i could do
1. fit into my "skinny" jeans
2. be a better worker
3. learn how to "blog" or pimp my page..hehe
4. see into the future
5. eat whatever i want and not gain weight..i hear ya Lucie! stole that one!
6. style my hair Joanne! She is my hair diva!
7. go on a vacay with Joshy!
8. be able to see all of my friends that are all over the country =(

8 shows i watch
1. 90210
2. Dancing with the Stars
3. Friends reruns..
4. Oprah
5. House
6. NipTuck
7. The Hills
8. Desperate Housewives

there ya go Lucie & Jenn!!


Jennifer said...

Good job! I seen that Lucie had tagged you too, and though 'oh crap, well that 2 for 1!' lol

LucieP said...

good job buddy!!!!!
You're getting the hang of it!

Jennifer said...

A blog award has been given to you. Come on over to my blog and grab it!