Monday, April 20, 2009

What a weekend!

You would think with that exciting title that I had a fabulous weekend...right????
WRONG!!! My poor baby has been so sick! After my post on Friday, Leland started vomiting =(
Couldn't get him to keep anything down, not that he was eating or drinking much to begin with. So Fri & Sat were both sleepless nights again..As soon as he would eat a few minutes later it all would come right back up. I slept with him again on Saturday night and first thing Sunday morning called the DR. Thought at first maybe it was a 24 hour bug and not to be one of "those" mommys that rush to the DR for everything, but I did call on Sat and they said if he was still not keeping anything down to bring him in. So we go to the DR and they tell me my poor baby has ulcers on his throat from the acid in his vomit. Which was proably caused by some kind of bug he picked up at daycare! UGH!!!! So she gave me this crazy combo of bendryl & maalox to give him a few times a day before I feed him to help him coat his throat, and if it doesn't get better we will look for something else. Meanwhile, my child has lost 1 lb since his last visit =( so sad! He is just so sweet and wants Mommy & Daddy to love on him. Bless his little heart, he is still such a good boy even when he is sick. I was so excited that he ate 2 bottles yesterday with no vomit. Then at 7am this morning when he woke up I gave him the meds and fed him his bottle. Thank GOD I stayed in his room, something told me just to give it a few minutes and I am so glad I did. I heard him choking, I run to his crib and he was vomiting everywhere, so I flip him over. He just puked up everything he drank! BOO! I hope he can keep something down today. I am so worried about him. Thank goodness I was off yesterday & today too. I know they are over me calling in. But pretty soon they won't have to worry about that! ha!
Right now my little lovebug is laying by me while I type and I can not BELIEVE he is 8 months old today! CRAZY!!!! In just 4 months he will be 1 year! I love this stage that he is at right now. He is so cute, learning new things and getting so excited about everything. He loves his Daddy. I love watching them together, it is the sweetest thing I have ever seen. Brings me such joy, a joy I have never known. I feel truly blessed and thank God everyday for my beautiful family!
I guess I should get to work, since I have lots & lots of laundry to do since my baby has thrown up on everything the past few days. We are offically out of clean sheets!
Love, Mama LJ xoxo


Jennifer said...

Poor thing. He probably did get it from daycare. The girls must have caught something from school. Kayla was throwing up last Tuesday, Kara had it Sunday and my nephew has been throwing up since 2am. :(

Jennifer said...

Lindsey, I tagged you over at my blog. Hope you come check it out and play along. :)

LucieP said...

I tagged you too! *muah!