Wednesday, February 2, 2011


The first pic of his new organized room!

Only a few days after...I asked him to help me clean it up and he said "I busy Mom. Making a castle!" WOAH...Is that my kid? Being a big boy and telling me NO?! I don't think so!

We finally got all moved in to our new house! What a crazy busy few weeks it has been! Probably a good thing I didn't have internet so I could get lots of things done...instead of playing on the computer..right?! hehe
For the most part the house is organized. But it isn't still clean..especially not in my childs playroom!!

Then this past weekend was my 30ish...birthday ;) Who is in her mid-thirties?! Not me ;) or atleast I will keep saying I am thirty until I get some wrinkles to catch up with me. But on the flip side, I did find my first gray hair last week! YIKES!!
Its late and I am over my blogging excitement, so here are a few pics from my Birthday adventure!

Lucie P. the best friend a girl could ever ask for ;)

My fabulous hubby!!