Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Ready for some fun in the sun ;)

That sun is bright Mommy!

All that fun made me sleepy!!

My lovely shade of Lobster...try not to be jealous!

40 weeks

My baby is 40 weeks old today! How crazy is that? He has been out offically as long as he was in ;)
It seems like he was just born yesterday, and it seems like I was pregnant a million years ago =(
He is so much fun right now, I am loving this stage. My Aunt Sam and Uncle Bill came in from KC, MO this weekend and got to meet him for the 1st time. It was so good to see them. We all went to the beach yesterday. Which we all know, I do not go out in the sun. Neither has Leland for that matter, so everyone thought I was paranoid for covering my little man up. I am glad I did because I got FRIED on my back. Where my sister "helped" me with my sunscreen. Leland is not burnt at all! Thank God!
He LOVED the water! I am so sad Josh wasn't there to see it, but hopefully if my burn goes away by Sunday we are going to go again. I can't wait to show you all the pics as soon as my Uncle emails them to me. I only took a few on my cell. Anywho, Leland was crawling around in the water & sand like a pro! He loved the waves and was not afraid at all. So I am sure he will be swimming before we know it.

Leland is into everything. I really think he will be walking soon. He is pulling up so well and cruising right along. He is becoming more vocal which is so cute. My friend Ashley came in town as well, Her baby Ian is 3 weeks younger than Leland. We went over today so the boys could play together. I can't believe how big they are getting. Both such handsome little men ;)

That is all that is going on with us. I will get pics up soon!

Love, Mama LJ

Monday, May 18, 2009

66 year old woman to give birth!!

If you go to you will see on the main page a story of a 66 year old woman 8 months pregnant with twins!! She lives in the UK, but traveled to Ukraine to get IVN. Because there are no laws there that limit age.
While I feel like no woman should be denied the right to give birth, I can't help but feel sorry for this woman and her babies. I know at 32 I am exhausted!! This woman is single and doing it on her own!! I admire single moms, I don't know how they do it. But to be one just starting at 66!!! I can not event imagine! What pissed me off was a doctor on the news report said "We don't tell 14 year old women they can't have babies" Well doctor, you don't see any 14 year old women coming in your office for IVN!! I think 14 year old GIRLS shouldn't have babies either. But it happens. I guess there should be no right or wrong age to have a child and there are pros and cons of having children earlier in life vs. later.
But to think that a child of a 66 year old will have an 80 year old mother while in high school seems hardly fair to me. What kind of energy is she going to have to keep up with her child? Will she live to see them graduate or get married?
I know that we can all pass at any time, I could get hit by a car tomorrow and never see Leland do those things. But I think I have a greater chance of seeing those happen than this lady does.
I don't know why this has me so fired up but it does!! Just had to vent. On that note, my child is in his crib waking up from his nap..mamamamamamama...I love that he calls for me! Music to my ears ;)

Friday, May 15, 2009

It has been a while...

Even though I have been at home the past 2 weeks, I have been super busy!

First of all...Wicked was AMAZING!! It made me miss doing theater. Josh says I should get into it again and maybe I will. But until then I have been listening to the soundtrack like crazy! Leland thinks its funny when I sing to him and dance around the house with him. <3>

Next, my little man...ahhh..I just love him more and more everyday. He is such a blessing and lights me up like nothing else. He has passed quiet a few milestones this month! He is pulling up, standing, many new things! He is becoming more vocal everyday. He loves his mama & dada. He gets super excited when he sees either one of us, which melts my heart! I think this stage has been my favorite so far. I know that Josh is enjoying playing with him more. He loves his bath time and went swimming for the first time on mothers day. I was super bummed that the bathing suit I bought him didn't fit so he went swimming in the buff ;0
It was adorable. I don't have pics of it yet though. My sister took them and hasn't had a chance to email me yet. He loves splashing and kicking. I can't wait to get him back in the water.
He has also gotten 3 more teeth on the top! Crazy!!
Other than that not too much has been going on. I am looking forward to my Aunt Sam & Uncle Billy coming to visit from KC next week! I can't wait for them to meet Leland!
My few hours a week have been fun, it is weird only working from 6-9, but I love it. I am so thankful that we are able for me to stay at home with Leland.
Hope everyone is doing well.
Peace & Chicken Grease!
xoxo, Mama LJ