Tuesday, March 31, 2009



My shirt, cheeks & fingers are covered in bananas!
Hey ladies!! hehe, I just love him! He looks just like Josh in this one!

During my pregnancy I craved bananas...ate them EVERY day! My child LOVES them! He cracks me up. Tonight he was eating one in the mesh thingy..no idea what its callled.....and he was going crazy! mmmhhhaaammm as he was mushing away. So cute! He was covered so he had to get a bath! His little buddha belly is so cute! I could just eat him up!
As for the rest of my day....I went to find new childcare. I am pretty sure we have decided on Magellan. I looked at Chappell today as well, but it is farther away and I wasn't as impressed with it for the same price. The hours are a little better but it will be ok. Only sucky part is they don't have an opening until the 13th, so I have to figure out something until then. My Mom isn't working right now so she has been watching him but I know he wears her out. Maybe Josh & I can figure out something for next week.
I was also excited today when I tried on a shirt that I hadn't worn since Nov and it was LOOSE!! Yay! I know I am losing weight, but I guess I just don't see it. So the shirt was proof! The horrible thing is Publix had buy 1 get 1 free chips ahoy tonight...and they sucked me in. Sooo...I shouldn't have eaten some but I did. Now I need to walk a little extra tomorrow.
Just put Leland down so now I am going to finish cleaning before my lovemuffin gets home.
xoxo LJ


LucieP said...

aw he's such a little boy! That mesh thing is awesome!!! It's perfect for him right now.

I can't wait to lurk your babe when he goes to daycare! They better not mess with Aunt Lucie!

Kim Boucher said...

Oh how cute!! My boys never really got how to use the Meshy things. I think they thought it was a toy.