Tuesday, March 31, 2009



My shirt, cheeks & fingers are covered in bananas!
Hey ladies!! hehe, I just love him! He looks just like Josh in this one!

During my pregnancy I craved bananas...ate them EVERY day! My child LOVES them! He cracks me up. Tonight he was eating one in the mesh thingy..no idea what its callled.....and he was going crazy! mmmhhhaaammm as he was mushing away. So cute! He was covered so he had to get a bath! His little buddha belly is so cute! I could just eat him up!
As for the rest of my day....I went to find new childcare. I am pretty sure we have decided on Magellan. I looked at Chappell today as well, but it is farther away and I wasn't as impressed with it for the same price. The hours are a little better but it will be ok. Only sucky part is they don't have an opening until the 13th, so I have to figure out something until then. My Mom isn't working right now so she has been watching him but I know he wears her out. Maybe Josh & I can figure out something for next week.
I was also excited today when I tried on a shirt that I hadn't worn since Nov and it was LOOSE!! Yay! I know I am losing weight, but I guess I just don't see it. So the shirt was proof! The horrible thing is Publix had buy 1 get 1 free chips ahoy tonight...and they sucked me in. Sooo...I shouldn't have eaten some but I did. Now I need to walk a little extra tomorrow.
Just put Leland down so now I am going to finish cleaning before my lovemuffin gets home.
xoxo LJ

Friday, March 27, 2009


Pray for Baby Stellan!!!!
So on Wed when I went to pick up Leland from my cousins house, she said she needed to talk to me....ugh..pit in stomach...well she basically wanted more money a week. Which I have no problem paying someone to take care of my child, but for 3 days a week it was a little bit out of our budget =(

Joshua and I did lots of talking and thanks to some friends I got a few different ideas for childcare. I am pretty sure we have decided to go with putting him in Magellan. It is a bit pricey but with all of the benefits it is worth it. I have been nervous about putting him in daycare and loved that my cousin was taking care of him. But he is older now and I feel a little more comfortable with it. They have video cameras so we can log in anytime and watch our little lovebug. They have fun activities and daily routines for the kids and I like that. I am so used to having him home with me all of the time, but I have decided that I will take him in for a little bit on my day off so that I can run errands and get stuff done around the house. I know I will feel guilty about it at first, but I honestly have had no ALONE time since he was born. Except for when I was sick! LOL

We decided that Josh will take Sundays off so that we can have a family day together too which is nice! Now I can have anyday of the week off instead of every Tues. So I am trying to be positive about all of this. Knowing me I am sure I will cry the first time I leave him there.

He has been so cute this week with his crawling. He is getting better at it and I LOVE IT! He gets so excited it cracks me up. I love watching him learn new things. It is the best feeling ever ;)

I still keep praying for Baby Stellan, he has had such a rough week. I am addicted to reading MckMamas blog. Even though it makes me cry!! He is so beautiful. I hope his little heart gets better soon.

Hope everyone has a good weekend. I will be working. The Dillards are in town, so everyone is on their toes! lol
xoxo, Mama LJ

Thursday, March 26, 2009


I should be in bed because I have a busy day ahead tomorrow...but I have been reading MckMamas blog and it really just breaks my heart. I have been praying for baby Stellan and I can't even imagine what any of them are going through. I also have 2 friends that have lost their spouses in the past month and it breaks my heart. I feel like God has blessed me so much and I am the happiest I have ever been in my life and I just wish there was some way I could take away other peoples pain. Last week was 3 years ago since my Papa died, and I look back at what a horrible place I was in my life and how unhappy I was. So to know that things can change so much in a few years gives me peace. To hope that through time and prayer that things will change for them too.
Anywho...thats my random thoughts for today. Time to go to sleep...at least I hope so..xoxo

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Leland Update

I have been sending out a monthly email to family and friends since Leland was born, I call it the Leland update. So now I will do it on here ;)

First I can not believe that my baby is 7 months old! It has flown by. This past month he has changed so much and learned so many things. I am such a proud mama. He has been teething for months and now finally has 2 teeth on the bottom. I have yet to get a picture because he closes his mouth everytime I get the camera out or bites my finger when I try to get him to show them. He can sit up all by himself and is scooting/crawling all over the place. He is very vocal which mostly happens when Josh is watching tv. It cracks me up, the more Josh turns it up the louder Leland gets. Guess he is telling Daddy to pay attention to him! He also loves bananas and gets so excited when he sees me peeling one!

We also took Lele to the zoo for the 1st time. We had a blast. I have yet to download the pics though. Leland loves animals and gets very excited when he sees them. He loves our cats and squeals when they come near, which scares them and they jet! He loves the dogs at my parents house too. He has bonded with Sampson the most. They have already swapped spit...ugh..;D

Guess that is all for now. 2 blogs in one day...bet Lucie is so proud!

Trying to figure this thing out...

I signed up for this blog when I was pregnant and Leland is now 7 months old...so obviously I am a procrastinator. I love reading other peoples blogs, just find myself challenged when it comes to doing my own page. I feel like I would like to get better so that I can have a cool memoir of my life and Leland growing up. I feel so blessed, my life is better than it has ever been and its all because of my family. Josh has changed me in so many ways, and I don't even think he is aware of it. Becoming a Mom has also changed me in ways I never even thought possible. He has softened my "tough exterior" and I don't care! I love my boys and want the world to know it ;)

So lets see if I can post this thing! Gotta get dinner ready! xoxo

This is not Linz!

Nope! It's Lucie...I'm trying to help her get into the blog world...so I need your help.

Any tips you can offer her for beginners would be great!

Also, we are gonna break her in on the stuff she can do to see just how much fun this can be!


I am going to give you a little update on her!
It's been a while since she's blogged...like oh September since her first post! WOW!
Since then, Leland has gone from this:

To this:

Hello! Dontcha wanna just eat him up?!?!? I can't believe how big he has gotten. It's freaking crazy! I just saw him over the weekend. He is such a happy baby. He is sitting up and trying to take off crawling!

They just got a new place with lots of room for them and the kitties.

That's all I can think of for now! Happy Blogging!