Saturday, August 22, 2009

My Babe

I love my Husband!!!

Now. Can't you tell he loves my, He is probably saying "Enough with the kisses Mommy!!"

The First time we met. It was love at first sight.

1 year ago today

One year ago today I was in the hospital. With my brand new baby and clueless as to what this year was going to be like. I had no clue when I was pregnant how much I was going to LOVE being a MOM and how much I was going to LOVE LELAND. This past year has changed me so much. It still amazes me everyday how much a child grows/learns in their first year of life. I never knew how much being a great Mom would mean to me. But this past year, I feel like it is what I was meant to do. I look at Leland in amazement some days and think "Wow, Josh & I made this!" I am sure most of you who are parents have thought the same thing at some point in your lives, but it truly is such a blessing to be a parent.
To think one year ago today, Josh and I were in a hospital room with a crying newborn and clueless as what to do! Now I feel like we are old pros at this parenting thing. I also feel that I am so blessed to have such an amazing husband to share this journey with. I love watching him play with Leland. They are so cute together.
For Lelands 1st Birthday we went to the zoo and let him have SUGAR for the 1st time. lol..He was not so sure what to do with the cupcake, so Daddy helped him out a little bit ;)
He is such a smart little boy. He loves music and loves to dance. Seeing a baby do a head bob is so funny to me. I wonder what his little mind thinks! He has recently discovered Sesame Street and is IN LOVE with ELMO! He is mezmerized by him. The other day he was sitting in his new favorite "squatting" position and his little legs turned purple from sitting in the one place so long! I couldn't even get him to look at me when I called his name. Silly baby.
We bought "Your Baby Can Read", so I have been doing that with him everyday. I wouldn't say he is "reading" but he knows when he sees "clap" to clap and when he sees "wave" he waves at me. So maybe it is sinking in?!? I figure it doesn't hurt!
He isn't walking all by himself yet, but give him something to push around and he is off with the wind!! I know very soon I will be running around like a mad woman!
He loves people. He waves to everyone, I think he gets his social skills from Mommy. He can give hugs and kisses. *so cute*
He is not so much into being fed anymore, he is a big boy and wants to do it himself! Which stinks because I have a freezer full of homemade baby food I pureed! Oh well =/
I guess thats about it for the Leland update. Who knew a year would fly by like it did??? Here are some recent pics and I will post more after his birthday party on Sunday!! Hope everyone is well!
<3, Mama LJ

Monday, August 10, 2009

Friggin EBAY

So I recently signed up for Ebay. Most of you know I am not very computer savy. But I am giving it an old college try!
So far, so good. I have sold a few things and since I have NO CLUE how much things weigh & shipping costs, I am just taking them to the Post Office instead of the mail from your home option. It has been a few weeks since I sold my last item, so I had not signed on Ebay for well over a week. I happened to sign on today and good lord!!! I had a "dispute" that I needed to go see in my paypal acct.
What ticks me off is the buyer NEVER EMAILED ME to say she hadn't recieved my box. She just disputes her payment.
WELL...I posted a beautiful pink satin jacket I had bought a few years ago, that originally sold for $198.00. I bought it on sale. I sold it on ebay for a whopping $19.99 and only charged $3.99 for shipping. The "buyer" wanted me to send it next day priority and didn't purchase insurance nor bothered to offer to pay for extra shipping. I go to the post office to mail it and it cost me $8.70 to mail. Priority was the only option because it weighed too much for first class mail. As far as I know the package was on its way.
I emailed the buyer and told her that it had been mailed. Never heard back from them until NOW. 12 days later!! what the heck. Wouldn't you think this person would email me saying "Hey, I know you said you mailed it, but I still haven't received it yet"???
No, instead they tarnish my virgin Ebay reputation!!! Buy giving me a bad feedback.
I found my reciept for the shipping but since the buyer didn't ask for insurance it didn't have a tracking number. But I did contact paypal and they told me to fax a copy of my reciept to them. Which I did. Costing me another $2.89. soooo after all that, I have made...$12.and some change. Which is on "hold" in the paypal world. Ugh..for the love, so not worth it. Plus I put my return address on the damn box which has not been returned.
Thoughts on this???
1. Buyer got the jacket and is just being a pain in the ass.
2. Someone stole the box off of their doorstep?
3. Post office lost the package???
4. Who the hell knows!

All I know is that the whole situation aggravates me. I don't like being accused of something that I didn't do. So now I don't have the money for the jacket nor do I have my beautiful jacket. I shouldn't have sold it. It never fit, but it was so pretty I just knew that one day I would wear it..haha, but I am trying to clean out my closet and if I haven't worn it then I am giving it away or selling it. Most of my clothes are in brand new condition. I take pride in taking good care of my things.
Sorry for venting, but isn't that what blogging is all about??? To let all of your feelings out??? hehe