Friday, April 17, 2009


Last night before Leland went to bed, he had a fever and was very fussy. I rocked him to sleep and put him down. Not his normal nightime routine. He always goes down with no problem. I am blessed in that sense! About 2 AM, he woke up with a blood curdling squeal and I rushed in his room..his poor little belly was hard as a rock and he has gas. So I laid down with him in his room and held him. Gave him some tummy drops and tylenol because he still had a fever. Around 4, he was still crying so I took him to Josh and ran to CVS..the one time I do not have PRUNES in the house my poor pumpkin needs them =( They don't have any!!! I get some prune juice and he won't drink it. So I wait til 8am when Publix opens after I have called his DR and they tell me to get him some suppositories. He still hasn't really slept at this point, just cries and whimpers on my chest. So heartbreaking! I know that it horrible to say but he is so sweet when he is sick. I love that he just wants me to hold & love on him. Like only I can make him feel better.
But back to my, Josh & I give him the suppository. He did very well! But after a bit he has a little poopie. So for the rest of the day off and on he slept and loved on me. I couldn't really get him to eat anything. He still hasn't really had a good poop, but hopefully one will come soon!
His DR did piss me off this morning when I called, she informed me that babies don't have to poop everyday, sometimes they go every few days. I INFORMED her, that I know my child and he poops 2/3xs a day and it has been 24 hours and he is in PAIN. What can I do to make him feel better since this is the first time I have dealt with this???? I am sure my Mommy friends would not have liked me calling them at the crack of dawn for advice!
So anywho...obviously Leland did not go to daycare today. I don't think I am going to take him back. I know I have already paid for him to go next week, but I can't stand the thought of him being there 2 more weeks until I can be home with him.
I did talk to my boss yesterday and told him that I didn't want to work full time anymore that I wanted to stay at home with Leland. He said he admired me for putting my child before my career! aww...he is such a great guy. But after talking for a little while, I am going to work VERY part time a few nights a week. I will no longer be at Chanel though which makes me sad. But I have to do whats best for Leland. So I am now going to be working our new Cosmesuitical lines that we have in. With my background doing facials he thinks this will be good for me & them. So I am open to the idea. Excited actually, I will still get to be home with my baby and a few nights a week when Josh gets home I will be at work ;) that everyone knows about my poor childs poop issues I feel better getting it off of my chest! But I guess thats what blogging is for!
Hope all is well!
Love, Mama LJ xoxo

1 comment:

Tina said...

Poor little guy. Im sure Lucie told you this already, but try the Karo Syrup in his bottle with his formula. You will have to ask her for the details on how much to put in.
How exciting for you to be able to stay home with him. I think you will have a nice balance of them both. I know that I would have to keep working some after having kids. It would become my get away.
Well I hope he starts feeling better.