Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I have been Tagged...

We all know that I am not the best with "computers" I am lucky that I have even figured out how to put pics on here! So the fact that 2 people have tagged me..haha, good luck with me figuring how to tag you back! But I will fill out the little survey thing.
8 is great

8 things i am looking forward too:
1. Leland feeling better!
2. Getting my hair cut & colored tomorrow!! It has been 4 months!
3. Staying home with Leland!
4. Getting the rest of our house organized.
5. Seeing the musical "Wicked" next week.
6. To one night being able to sleep for atleast 6 hours!
7. seeing Lucie P on Sat!
8. Losing some weight.

8 things i did yesterday:
1. worked
2. went on a walk
3. made dinner for Joshy
4. played with leland
5. shampoo'd & flat ironed my hair
6. read some of Twilight
7. watched old & new 90210..haha
8. prayed for Stellan all day

8 things i wish i could do
1. fit into my "skinny" jeans
2. be a better worker
3. learn how to "blog" or pimp my page..hehe
4. see into the future
5. eat whatever i want and not gain weight..i hear ya Lucie! stole that one!
6. style my hair Joanne! She is my hair diva!
7. go on a vacay with Joshy!
8. be able to see all of my friends that are all over the country =(

8 shows i watch
1. 90210
2. Dancing with the Stars
3. Friends reruns..
4. Oprah
5. House
6. NipTuck
7. The Hills
8. Desperate Housewives

there ya go Lucie & Jenn!!

Monday, April 20, 2009

What a weekend!

You would think with that exciting title that I had a fabulous weekend...right????
WRONG!!! My poor baby has been so sick! After my post on Friday, Leland started vomiting =(
Couldn't get him to keep anything down, not that he was eating or drinking much to begin with. So Fri & Sat were both sleepless nights again..As soon as he would eat a few minutes later it all would come right back up. I slept with him again on Saturday night and first thing Sunday morning called the DR. Thought at first maybe it was a 24 hour bug and not to be one of "those" mommys that rush to the DR for everything, but I did call on Sat and they said if he was still not keeping anything down to bring him in. So we go to the DR and they tell me my poor baby has ulcers on his throat from the acid in his vomit. Which was proably caused by some kind of bug he picked up at daycare! UGH!!!! So she gave me this crazy combo of bendryl & maalox to give him a few times a day before I feed him to help him coat his throat, and if it doesn't get better we will look for something else. Meanwhile, my child has lost 1 lb since his last visit =( so sad! He is just so sweet and wants Mommy & Daddy to love on him. Bless his little heart, he is still such a good boy even when he is sick. I was so excited that he ate 2 bottles yesterday with no vomit. Then at 7am this morning when he woke up I gave him the meds and fed him his bottle. Thank GOD I stayed in his room, something told me just to give it a few minutes and I am so glad I did. I heard him choking, I run to his crib and he was vomiting everywhere, so I flip him over. He just puked up everything he drank! BOO! I hope he can keep something down today. I am so worried about him. Thank goodness I was off yesterday & today too. I know they are over me calling in. But pretty soon they won't have to worry about that! ha!
Right now my little lovebug is laying by me while I type and I can not BELIEVE he is 8 months old today! CRAZY!!!! In just 4 months he will be 1 year! I love this stage that he is at right now. He is so cute, learning new things and getting so excited about everything. He loves his Daddy. I love watching them together, it is the sweetest thing I have ever seen. Brings me such joy, a joy I have never known. I feel truly blessed and thank God everyday for my beautiful family!
I guess I should get to work, since I have lots & lots of laundry to do since my baby has thrown up on everything the past few days. We are offically out of clean sheets!
Love, Mama LJ xoxo

Friday, April 17, 2009


Last night before Leland went to bed, he had a fever and was very fussy. I rocked him to sleep and put him down. Not his normal nightime routine. He always goes down with no problem. I am blessed in that sense! About 2 AM, he woke up with a blood curdling squeal and I rushed in his room..his poor little belly was hard as a rock and he has gas. So I laid down with him in his room and held him. Gave him some tummy drops and tylenol because he still had a fever. Around 4, he was still crying so I took him to Josh and ran to CVS..the one time I do not have PRUNES in the house my poor pumpkin needs them =( They don't have any!!! I get some prune juice and he won't drink it. So I wait til 8am when Publix opens after I have called his DR and they tell me to get him some suppositories. He still hasn't really slept at this point, just cries and whimpers on my chest. So heartbreaking! I know that it horrible to say but he is so sweet when he is sick. I love that he just wants me to hold & love on him. Like only I can make him feel better.
But back to my, Josh & I give him the suppository. He did very well! But after a bit he has a little poopie. So for the rest of the day off and on he slept and loved on me. I couldn't really get him to eat anything. He still hasn't really had a good poop, but hopefully one will come soon!
His DR did piss me off this morning when I called, she informed me that babies don't have to poop everyday, sometimes they go every few days. I INFORMED her, that I know my child and he poops 2/3xs a day and it has been 24 hours and he is in PAIN. What can I do to make him feel better since this is the first time I have dealt with this???? I am sure my Mommy friends would not have liked me calling them at the crack of dawn for advice!
So anywho...obviously Leland did not go to daycare today. I don't think I am going to take him back. I know I have already paid for him to go next week, but I can't stand the thought of him being there 2 more weeks until I can be home with him.
I did talk to my boss yesterday and told him that I didn't want to work full time anymore that I wanted to stay at home with Leland. He said he admired me for putting my child before my career! aww...he is such a great guy. But after talking for a little while, I am going to work VERY part time a few nights a week. I will no longer be at Chanel though which makes me sad. But I have to do whats best for Leland. So I am now going to be working our new Cosmesuitical lines that we have in. With my background doing facials he thinks this will be good for me & them. So I am open to the idea. Excited actually, I will still get to be home with my baby and a few nights a week when Josh gets home I will be at work ;) that everyone knows about my poor childs poop issues I feel better getting it off of my chest! But I guess thats what blogging is for!
Hope all is well!
Love, Mama LJ xoxo

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

New Plan...

Mommys Big Boy
Daddy and Leland in matching shirts ;)
So cute!

Leland started daycare this week...and I am not IMPRESSED!!! I cried...sobbed actually all day off and on his first day. I even went on my lunch break to check on him. I just feel like their are too many children and not enough workers for them. Not enough toys. I guess I just felt rushed and had to make a decision and I chose the place I did because of the video cameras and I am glad I did. Because what I have seen has changed my mind. I am not going to bad mouth the place because that is not my style. I just know that as a Mom I want whats best for Leland and after alot of talking with Joshua we have decided it will be best for me to stay at home with him!!! (For as much as it costs for daycare I could work part time and it would equal out what I would be losing in pay!) Plus I can offically announce that Josh just got a promotion at work. I have known for a while but couldn't say anything until they announced it ;) and they did today. So I can brag about my hubby! He is so happy and this is the next step for where he wants to be in his career.

I am very excited about this new adventure in my life. I can't wait to stay at home with my little man. I know that it is good for him to be "socialized" with other children, but I have plenty of friends that have babies and I plan on taking him to some kind of play dates. I know the library has story days too. I told Josh I can cook everyday now and hopefully we can lose weight by eating in. We spend way too much eating out every week, and I can pack Joshs lunch for him too ;) So all in all...I am so excited to start the new chapter in our life.

We had a good Easter, although Josh has gotten mine & leles cold we had for weeks. I still have a lingering cough that won't go away. But I feel much better.

That is my exciting news! Just wanted to share with you all.
love, mama lj xoxo

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Who needs SLEEP ???? NOT ME!

This has been an ok week. We are recovering from the ear infections but now poor Joshy is sick =(
As for me, I am trying to not think about Monday and the fact that Leland is starting daycare. I have bittersweet feelings about it. I know it will be harder on me then it is on him. But still makes me teary eyed none the less. Today as I was trying to clean the house and my lovely baby boy was fighting his nap all the way a wave of excitement came over me...I will be able to have ALONE time on Tuesday. I can clean without the cries of my child for attention. He will be in the capable hands of Magellan. I can do whatever I want without having to worry about Leland!! How nice is that going to be??? Next week will be 2 months since we have moved into our house and I still have boxes that need to be unpacked. I can work on those! How exciting is that? I love my child more than anything in the world but I haven't realized how much I need time for me. I love spending every minute with him but I have to take care of myself as well. Since I have become a mom, I hardly ever do things I did before..simple things like paint my nails, get my hair done or put lotion on my legs..haha. Its wash bottles, clothes, vaccum the floor so Leland can crawl on it. So my gameplan is to get organized! Do things that make me happy so I can be a better Mom! I know I will cry on Monday morning when I drop him off, I even cried the other day filling out his paperwork...but I know it will be good for him and us. Josh needs his time too. We are both exhausted. Leland started sleeping through the night at 8 weeks old, and for some reason around my birthday he started waking up every few hours again. We thought it was teething then he has been sick. But the sleepless nights are wearing us down. Sometimes he gets up once other nights he gets up several times. I pray for the time when he sleeps all night. Maybe tonight will be girl can dream ;)
We had to lower his bed because when I went in to get him yesterday morning he was standing in his crib hanging on the rail. What a big boy! Time is flying by! So anywho...just thought I would blog about my random thoughts...not that anyone is reading. haha
I also have been trying to read Twilight for weeks now. Maybe I can read on Tuesday too!
xoxo, Mama LJ

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sick Baby

loving on mommy
my favorite place to sleep

waiting for the DR

Can you make me feel better???

snuggling with Daddy. They sleep exactly the same way. I love it!
So this has been a ROUGH week in the Wirht house!! Leland and I have both been sick. It has been raining really bad the past week, so I attributed mine to allergies & weather. Leland has been slobbery and chewing on everything so I assumed he was teething. NO such luck =(
We have both gotten worse, and last night was offically my worst night as a mother so far.
I decided to sleep downstairs with the baby since I coughed all night the night before and Josh had to work today. So I figured Leland and I could sleep down here and things would be fine. I could sleep elevated some on the couch and hopefully not cough as bad and Leland normally sleeps fine in his pack n play. WRONG....He woke up around 145am screaming bloody murder. So I get him, try to console him. Nothing is working. I try feeding, changing, rocking, tylenol,teething tablets, chew toys. Even RUM on the gums..Nothing is making him happy. I myself am coughing and crying at this point because I am exhausted, feel like crap and my baby is screaming. So finally around 345am I take him up to Josh and tell him he has to take him before I go INSANE...Which in turn makes me cry worse because I feel like I have failed as a mother to calm my child down. =(
After a few minutes with Josh he gets Leland to calm down and go to sleep in his crib. Josh says "I guess he is sick and just wanted his bed." Which I say thanks for making me feel like shit for not thinking to put him in his crib. Who knew? So I come upstairs and Josh gets up with him for the rest of the night/morning.
We go to the Dr and come to find out we both have ear infections. Fun FUN! Mine didn't start to hurt until this morning, but if poor Lelands ear felt anything like mine no wonder he was screaming his head off! So we both are on antibiotics and ear drops. Hope we feel better soon. And thank God I have such a good hubby!!! I apologized for being mean and told him I didn't feel good and I was so very thankful that he got our little man to sleep.
It is 930 and I put Leland down at 830....hope he sleeps tonight! Keep your fingers crossed for us! xoxo Mama LJ