Saturday, April 11, 2009

Who needs SLEEP ???? NOT ME!

This has been an ok week. We are recovering from the ear infections but now poor Joshy is sick =(
As for me, I am trying to not think about Monday and the fact that Leland is starting daycare. I have bittersweet feelings about it. I know it will be harder on me then it is on him. But still makes me teary eyed none the less. Today as I was trying to clean the house and my lovely baby boy was fighting his nap all the way a wave of excitement came over me...I will be able to have ALONE time on Tuesday. I can clean without the cries of my child for attention. He will be in the capable hands of Magellan. I can do whatever I want without having to worry about Leland!! How nice is that going to be??? Next week will be 2 months since we have moved into our house and I still have boxes that need to be unpacked. I can work on those! How exciting is that? I love my child more than anything in the world but I haven't realized how much I need time for me. I love spending every minute with him but I have to take care of myself as well. Since I have become a mom, I hardly ever do things I did before..simple things like paint my nails, get my hair done or put lotion on my legs..haha. Its wash bottles, clothes, vaccum the floor so Leland can crawl on it. So my gameplan is to get organized! Do things that make me happy so I can be a better Mom! I know I will cry on Monday morning when I drop him off, I even cried the other day filling out his paperwork...but I know it will be good for him and us. Josh needs his time too. We are both exhausted. Leland started sleeping through the night at 8 weeks old, and for some reason around my birthday he started waking up every few hours again. We thought it was teething then he has been sick. But the sleepless nights are wearing us down. Sometimes he gets up once other nights he gets up several times. I pray for the time when he sleeps all night. Maybe tonight will be girl can dream ;)
We had to lower his bed because when I went in to get him yesterday morning he was standing in his crib hanging on the rail. What a big boy! Time is flying by! So anywho...just thought I would blog about my random thoughts...not that anyone is reading. haha
I also have been trying to read Twilight for weeks now. Maybe I can read on Tuesday too!
xoxo, Mama LJ

1 comment:

LucieP said...

There will be a day when you can barely remember what this felt like!
I can't believe he is getting so big!!
You're a great mama!