Friday, March 27, 2009


Pray for Baby Stellan!!!!
So on Wed when I went to pick up Leland from my cousins house, she said she needed to talk to me....ugh..pit in stomach...well she basically wanted more money a week. Which I have no problem paying someone to take care of my child, but for 3 days a week it was a little bit out of our budget =(

Joshua and I did lots of talking and thanks to some friends I got a few different ideas for childcare. I am pretty sure we have decided to go with putting him in Magellan. It is a bit pricey but with all of the benefits it is worth it. I have been nervous about putting him in daycare and loved that my cousin was taking care of him. But he is older now and I feel a little more comfortable with it. They have video cameras so we can log in anytime and watch our little lovebug. They have fun activities and daily routines for the kids and I like that. I am so used to having him home with me all of the time, but I have decided that I will take him in for a little bit on my day off so that I can run errands and get stuff done around the house. I know I will feel guilty about it at first, but I honestly have had no ALONE time since he was born. Except for when I was sick! LOL

We decided that Josh will take Sundays off so that we can have a family day together too which is nice! Now I can have anyday of the week off instead of every Tues. So I am trying to be positive about all of this. Knowing me I am sure I will cry the first time I leave him there.

He has been so cute this week with his crawling. He is getting better at it and I LOVE IT! He gets so excited it cracks me up. I love watching him learn new things. It is the best feeling ever ;)

I still keep praying for Baby Stellan, he has had such a rough week. I am addicted to reading MckMamas blog. Even though it makes me cry!! He is so beautiful. I hope his little heart gets better soon.

Hope everyone has a good weekend. I will be working. The Dillards are in town, so everyone is on their toes! lol
xoxo, Mama LJ

1 comment:

LucieP said...

somehow I missed this post!
I am so proud of my little blogging friend!
I hope things go well today!!