Saturday, August 22, 2009

1 year ago today

One year ago today I was in the hospital. With my brand new baby and clueless as to what this year was going to be like. I had no clue when I was pregnant how much I was going to LOVE being a MOM and how much I was going to LOVE LELAND. This past year has changed me so much. It still amazes me everyday how much a child grows/learns in their first year of life. I never knew how much being a great Mom would mean to me. But this past year, I feel like it is what I was meant to do. I look at Leland in amazement some days and think "Wow, Josh & I made this!" I am sure most of you who are parents have thought the same thing at some point in your lives, but it truly is such a blessing to be a parent.
To think one year ago today, Josh and I were in a hospital room with a crying newborn and clueless as what to do! Now I feel like we are old pros at this parenting thing. I also feel that I am so blessed to have such an amazing husband to share this journey with. I love watching him play with Leland. They are so cute together.
For Lelands 1st Birthday we went to the zoo and let him have SUGAR for the 1st time. lol..He was not so sure what to do with the cupcake, so Daddy helped him out a little bit ;)
He is such a smart little boy. He loves music and loves to dance. Seeing a baby do a head bob is so funny to me. I wonder what his little mind thinks! He has recently discovered Sesame Street and is IN LOVE with ELMO! He is mezmerized by him. The other day he was sitting in his new favorite "squatting" position and his little legs turned purple from sitting in the one place so long! I couldn't even get him to look at me when I called his name. Silly baby.
We bought "Your Baby Can Read", so I have been doing that with him everyday. I wouldn't say he is "reading" but he knows when he sees "clap" to clap and when he sees "wave" he waves at me. So maybe it is sinking in?!? I figure it doesn't hurt!
He isn't walking all by himself yet, but give him something to push around and he is off with the wind!! I know very soon I will be running around like a mad woman!
He loves people. He waves to everyone, I think he gets his social skills from Mommy. He can give hugs and kisses. *so cute*
He is not so much into being fed anymore, he is a big boy and wants to do it himself! Which stinks because I have a freezer full of homemade baby food I pureed! Oh well =/
I guess thats about it for the Leland update. Who knew a year would fly by like it did??? Here are some recent pics and I will post more after his birthday party on Sunday!! Hope everyone is well!
<3, Mama LJ

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