Friday, January 14, 2011


I logged on 30 minutes ago because I felt like BLOGGING..But then my sister called and I've been on the phone..soooo, I kinda lost my mojo =/

But I do have a few things I will write down before I forget. This past week as I have been packing up our house, it has been bittersweet for me. Looking back on my life, I grew up in the same house for 20 years. I never once moved. My best friend lived 2 houses down from me. I knew my neighborhood inside and out. Even now when I dream I always dream of the house I grew up in. Its weird to me and I often wonder what it means. Maybe its my safe place?! who knows..

But thinking about these things, makes me kind of sad. Not that your house can take away your memories. But packing up to move into our new place, I get sad thinking that this house was the house that Leland took his first steps in, first potty, he learned to crawl here. All of those things I will think about when I think of this house. So many precious memories have been here. *sigh*

Going forward to the new house, I know that I will have memories there too. Leland will learn so many new things and have a huge backyard to play "out-sideeee" which he soooo loves to do! He loves the new house already, but don't think he really gets the fact that in a few days we will be there ALL the time. Hopefully he will adjust to the new place. We have been contemplating how to decorate his new room. He loves choo choo trains. But I don't think I can handle looking at Thomas the train everyday. He also loves Toy Story, but Josh isn't a fan of having a "themed" room.
Until we decide we will just stick to his bedding we have now ;)

My other thoughts right now are BABIES BABIES BABIES!!! I have baby fever soo bad. It literally consumes me. Not that I don't feel blessed to already be a Mommy, but I am ready to do it again! I think Leland will be such an amazing big brother. He is so sweet, gentle and loving. He is such a good boy! Which makes me wonder...will babe #2 be a little evil one?! hehe..I really hope we have another boy. But I kinda think Big Papa wants a girl. Over the summer when I watched my friends baby Lily(which is our girl name) Josh fell in love with her. He was so cute playing with her. I know if we had a little girl she would be wrapped around his finger ;)

Ok..Enough babbling for now. Here are a few pics of Leland and Lily ;) Plus one of me & my little man!!
Until next time, Mama LJ


LucieP said...

awwww so fun!!! You know I love it when you blog- it warms my heart! ;)
Abbie blogs too!!

I can't wait to see your new place!
Love you mama

Lindsey Wirht said...

Thanks lovey!! I can't wait to see your new puppy!! xoxo